Cat-Cow Pose


  • Begin on all fours on a comfortable surface
  • Make sure your wrists are directly under your shoulders and your knees are directly under your hips
  • Take a deep breath in, arch your back and look up towards the ceiling (Cow Pose)
  • As you exhale, round your spine and tuck your chin towards your chest (Cat Pose)
  • Repeat this 10 times
  • Make sure to keep your core engaged throughout the exercise


  • Neck: Cat-Cow Pose helps to stretch and strengthen the muscles in the neck, improve mobility, and increase range of motion. This helps to reduce stiffness and tension in the neck area.
  • Chest: Cat-Cow Pose helps to stretch and open the chest and shoulder area, improving posture. This helps to improve lung capacity and breathing, as well as reduce stress.
  • Abdomen: Cat-Cow Pose helps to massage and stimulate the abdominal organs, improving digestion and elimination. This helps to reduce bloating and improve overall digestion.
  • Back: Cat-Cow Pose helps to stretch and strengthen the muscles in the back, improving posture and flexibility. This helps to reduce pain and stiffness in the back, as well as improve overall mobility.
  • Hips: Cat-Cow Pose helps to stretch and open the hips, improving flexibility and range of motion. This helps to reduce stiffness and tension in the hip area, as well as improve overall posture.
  • Legs: Cat-Cow Pose helps to stretch and strengthen the muscles in the legs, improving flexibility and range of motion. This helps to reduce fatigue and tension in the leg area, as well as improve overall mobility.