Lying Spinal Twist


  • Lie on your back on a flat surface
  • Bend your knees and draw them towards your chest
  • Cross your legs at the ankles
  • Reach your arms out to the sides in a “T” position
  • Gently twist your upper body to the right, moving your knees to the left
  • Hold the position for 10-30 seconds
  • Gently twist your upper body to the left, moving your knees to the right
  • Hold the position for 10-30 seconds
  • Slowly release your legs and arms and return to the starting position


  • Lower Back: This stretch helps to reduce tension in the lower back, increases mobility and flexibility, and can help to alleviate lower back pain.
  • Hips: This stretch can help to reduce stiffness of the hips, improve hip mobility and flexibility, and can help to reduce pain in the hip joint.
  • Upper Back: This stretch helps to increase mobility and flexibility in the upper back and can help to reduce tension and pain in the muscles and joints.
  • Shoulders: This stretch helps to increase mobility and flexibility in the shoulders, reduce tension and pain in the muscles and joints, and can help to improve posture.
  • Abdomen: This stretch can help to increase circulation to the abdominal area, improve digestion, and can help to reduce tension in the abdominal muscles.