Spinal Rotations


  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart
  • Place your hands on your hips
  • Gently twist your waist to the right, hold for 5 seconds, then release
  • Repeat on the left side
  • Make sure to move slowly and within your comfort range
  • Aim to do 5-10 repetitions


  • Upper back: Spinal rotations help to increase spinal mobility and flexibility, reducing stiffness and tension. This can help to reduce discomfort and pain in the neck and shoulder area, as well as improving posture. Additionally, it can help to increase blood flow to the spine, aiding in healing of any muscular injury, and helping to prevent future injury.
  • Lower back: Spinal rotations help to increase flexibility and mobility in the lower back, reducing discomfort and pain. It can also help to reduce any tension in the surrounding muscles, aiding in better posture and improved balance. Additionally, it can help to improve circulation in the lower back, aiding in healing of any muscle injuries and helping to prevent future injury.
  • Hips: Spinal rotations can help to improve flexibility and mobility in the hips. This can reduce pain and tension in the hips and surrounding muscles, as well as improving posture and balance. Additionally, it can help to increase blood flow to the hip area, aiding in healing of any muscle injuries and helping to prevent future injury.
  • Abdomen: Spinal rotations can help to improve flexibility and mobility in the abdomen. This can reduce discomfort and pain in the abdominal area, as well as improving posture. Additionally, it can help to increase blood flow to the abdominal muscles, aiding in healing of any muscle injuries and helping to prevent future injury.
  • Arms: Spinal rotations can help to improve flexibility and mobility in the arms. This can reduce pain and tension in the arms and surrounding muscles, as well as improving posture and balance. Additionally, it can help to increase blood flow to the arm area, aiding in healing of any muscle injuries and helping to prevent future injury.