Squat with an Overhead Reach


  • Begin by standing with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart
  • Bend your knees and lower your body into a squat position
  • Put your hands on top of your head
  • Keep your chest up and your back straight
  • Reach up with your hands as high as you can while keeping your feet flat on the floor
  • Hold this stretch for 10-15 seconds
  • Repeat 2-3 times


  • Lower back: This stretch is beneficial for strengthening and stretching the muscles of the lower back. It helps to increase flexibility and reduce any tightness or tension in the lower back muscles. It also helps to improve posture and reduce any pain or discomfort in the lower back area.
  • Hamstrings: This stretch is beneficial for increasing the flexibility of the hamstrings, which can help to reduce any tightness or tension in the muscle and reduce pain and discomfort. It can also help to increase range of motion in the legs and reduce chances of injury.
  • Glutes: This stretch helps to increase flexibility and range of motion in the glutes, which can help to improve posture and reduce any discomfort or pain in the area. It can also help to reduce any tightness or tension in the muscles and reduce the chances of injury.
  • Shoulders: This stretch helps to increase the flexibility and range of motion in the shoulders, which can help to reduce any tightness or tension in the muscles and reduce any pain or discomfort in the area. It can also help to improve posture and reduce the chances of injury.
  • Arms: This stretch is beneficial for increasing the flexibility and range of motion in the arms, which can help to reduce any tightness or tension in the muscles and reduce any discomfort or pain in the area. It can also help to improve posture and reduce the chances of injury.