Standing Ankle Stretch


  • Stand with feet hip-width apart and a wall or chair in front of you for balance
  • Step your right foot behind you, with your toes facing forward
  • Bend your right knee and let your left heel slowly move towards the ground
  • Hold your stretch for 10-15 seconds while keeping your back heel on the ground
  • Slowly move your left heel back up and repeat with the opposite leg
  • Repeat this stretch 3 times on each leg


  • Ankles: This stretch helps to improve flexibility of the ankles, reducing the risk of ankle sprains and strains. It can also help to improve balance by strengthening the muscles in the ankles and feet. Additionally, it can help to reduce lower back and leg pain by releasing tightness in the muscles around the ankles and feet.
  • Calves: This stretch can help to increase flexibility in the calf muscles, which can improve certain athletic activities such as running and jumping. It can also reduce the risk of injury and help to reduce leg pain. Additionally, it can help to improve balance and posture.
  • Hips: This stretch can help to increase flexibility in the hip muscles, which can help to reduce lower back pain by releasing tightness in the muscles around the hips. Additionally, it can help to improve balance and posture, and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Knees: This stretch can help to increase flexibility in the knee joints, which can improve certain athletic activities such as running and jumping. Additionally, it can help to reduce the risk of knee pain and injury, and improve balance and posture.