Wall Glute Stretch


  • Stand facing a wall
  • Place your hands on the wall, shoulder width apart
  • Place one leg forward, keeping your heel on the ground
  • Bend the other leg and keep your foot flat on the floor
  • Push your hips forward and hold for 10-15 seconds
  • Switch legs and repeat the stretch


  • Glutes: This stretch targets the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus muscles. It helps to relieve tension in the gluteal muscles, improve range of motion, and reduce pain in the hips and lower back. It also strengthens the posterior chain muscles and aids in restoring functional movement in the hips and lower back.
  • Hips: This stretch helps to improve flexibility and range of motion in the hips, as well as reduce pain in the hips and lower back. It also helps to strengthen the posterior chain muscles and can assist in restoring proper functional movement in the hips and lower back.
  • Lower Back: This stretch helps to reduce pain and tension in the lower back region, as well as improve flexibility and range of motion. It also helps to strengthen the posterior chain muscles, which are important for maintaining proper posture and balance.