Wall Quad Stretch


  • Stand facing a wall and place your hands on it at shoulder level
  • Place your affected leg behind your other leg, with your heel on the ground and your toes pointing up
  • Gently press your hips forward until you feel a stretch in the front of your thigh
  • Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds
  • Repeat the stretch 2-3 times for each leg


  • Quadriceps: This stretch helps to lengthen the quadriceps muscles, reduce tension and tightness, and improve range of motion in the hips and knees.
  • Hip Flexors: This stretch target the hip flexors and helps to improve the range of motion in the hips, reduce tension and tightness, and increase overall flexibility in the legs.
  • Glutes: This stretch works to lengthen the glutes, reduce lower back pain, and improve range of motion in the hip joints.
  • Hamstrings: This stretch helps to lengthen and relax the hamstrings, improve range of motion in the hips and knees, and reduce lower back pain.
  • Calves: This stretch works to lengthen the calves, reduce tension and tightness in the lower legs, and improve overall flexibility.
  • Abdominals: This stretch helps to strengthen and tone the abdominal muscles, reduce tension in the lower back, and improve posture.